If you have specific prayer requests, please click on the button to submit them and our Congregational Care Team and Prayer Team will receive them and pray over them.

Prayer is such an integral part of lives to stay connected to God and one another. Wheatland has a phenomenal Care Team and Stephen Ministry Team. Many of the team are reaching out to be available for a live Zoom call to pray at specific times and also are available for phone prayers. At anytime, you can always turn in a written prayer request.

If you would like to connect in this way, we are here for you. We are in this together. Here are the times and days that are available with our team members. Simply register below for your time slot:

Live Prayer

Virtual prayer on Zoom with a Care Team member

Tuesday at 10 am (Patti Van Dorn)

Tuesday at 5 pm (Kathleen Fiala-Cline)

Thursday at 2 pm (Ted Van Dorn)

Thursday at 7 pm (Leslie Stevens)

Friday at 6 pm (Kim Neace)

Prayer through a phone call

Saturdays between 9 am - 5 pm (Norm Strom)

Schedule a phone call (Georgia Harle)

By simply clicking on the link above, you can choose your day, time and/or person that you would like to pray with you.

If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Kim Neace at kim_neace@wheatlandsalem.org or 630.904.1035 x135