The Future of Wheatland
It is important for every organization whether sacred or secular to ask two important questions:
1) are we doing things right and 2) are we doing the right things?
As your pastors and Leadership Team, we want to invite you into a conversation that will have a direct impact on the future of our church.
Please join us for a series of presentations and Town Hall meetings via Zoom we’ve titled The Future Of Wheatland: Creating Growing Thriving Faith Communities
Monday, July 27 - "The State of Wheatland Salem Church" - CLICK HERE to watch the recorded presentation. CLICK HERE to download the power point.
Monday, August 3 - "Looking Ahead: Next Steps for Wheatland" - CLICK HERE to watch the recorded presentation. CLICK HERE to download the power point.
Monday, August 10 - Town Hall Meeting - CLICK HERE to watch the recorded presentation. CLICK HERE to download the power point.
Monday, August 17 - Town Hall Meeting - CLICK HERE to watch the recorded presentation. CLICK HERE to download the power point.
Monday, August 24 - Church Conference - Click Here for the link Meeting ID: 843 4931 4188 Password: 805940 One tap mobile +13126266799# US (Chicago)
Be included, share your input and gain important knowledge as we take next steps in developing our campuses as growing and thriving communities of faith! See you there!
If you have questions in between meetings, please submit those to and we will address them on August 10 or August 17.
Pastor Jen, Pastor Corey, Rev. Kim Neace and the Leadership Team of Wheatland Salem United Methodist Church