Survey Results | 2021
On behalf of the Leadership Council, we would like to thank the members of the Strategic Planning Committee for their work regarding the recent survey which was sent to the entire Wheatland Salem Church congregation in January.
At the time, we committed that we would study and review the results of the survey, and listen to your feedback, comments, and suggestions. We also committed to provide a summary of survey results, as well as update you on our ongoing progress on action items identified.
As a first step, today we are providing you the Survey results we received, please see below.
(Also, we want to thank and recognize the expertise and dedicated effort that Fred Kviz put into this project.)
The Committees of the Church have been asked to identify and address areas indicated from the survey. We will continue to keep you posted on the progress on these issues in the near future.
Norm Strom, Chair Wheatland Salem Church Leadership Council
Town Hall Meetings | February 2021
We appreciate all those who were able to attend the Town Hall Zoom Meetings on February 21 and February 28. As promised, here are the FAQ’s, Financial Questions and recorded Zoom of the Town Hall for your reference.
We look forward to ongoing dialog moving forward!
In Christ,
The Leadership Council Wheatland Salem Church