In wanting to promote better transparency and improve our level of communication to the entire congregation, as one of the first orders of business for our church’s new Leadership Council, we are pleased to invite you to a virtual Town Hall meeting! As we seek to explore new and creative ways to gather and have fellowship together, share information, hear your voice, and very importantly, listen to your thoughts, two separate Town Hall dates have been set to hopefully accommodate your schedule. Therefore, please choose the time slot that works best for you on your calendar.
* Sunday, February 21 @ 2:00 pm
* Sunday, February 28 @ 5:00 pm
(Note: We will also record the sessions for future viewing, should neither of these dates/times work for you).
We look forward to seeing you at one of these initial Town Hall opportunities; we will introduce you to the members of the 2021 Leadership Council, share some of the latest church happenings and updates, and most importantly, answer your questions!
If you have a question or concern that you would like addressed at the Town Hall meeting by our Leadership Council, please feel free to send an email to our new Chair, Norm Strom at: Also, it would be helpful and appreciated if you would please submit your questions by Sunday, February 14th. By doing so in advance, we will be able and better prepared to respond to you.
We look forward to seeing you VIA ZOOM on either February 21st (2:00 pm) and/or February 28th (5:00 pm). Register below and we will send you the zoom link before the meeting.
In Christ,
The Leadership Council
Wheatland Salem Church