Frolic PM | Naperville

Wednesday's, starting September 13 | 5:45 - 6:45 pm | $10 per child, per semester

Sept. 13 - Dec. 20 | Semester 1  

Jan. 9 - April 25 | Semester 2

The Frolic Program is our new Preschool/Parent Program.  It's never to early to teach children about God. This midweek connection helps kids and parents take time in the middle of the week to slow down and connect our little people to our Big God! 

This program is designed for children and their parent/grandparent.  If scheduling makes this hard please see Chris Rechsteiner and a special church family mentor will be available to help your child. 

This is a great opportunity for your 3 - 5 year old, if your older child is in the musical or for working parents.