Summer Missions [update]

Wheatland still has two short term mission trips opportunities with front row seats to change the world.

Poland: people needed

We're trying to fill the minimum number of spots to take a group to Poland to work with Piotr Gasiorowski serving the youth of his community. The Poland trip takes place from June 27 through July 12. The minimum fundraising requirement is $2000.

Paraguay: New trip just added!

If you would rather head south, our Faith Promise supported missionary Charlie Hanak will lead a team of 6-8 to Paraguay to work with Pablo and Claudette Mora. We will share the gospel by helping to distribute shoebox Christmas boxes at schools and orphanages. We hope to travel from June 2nd through June 16. The minimum fundraising requirement is $1800.

Both Piotr and Pablo visited Wheatland within the past 18 months. The videos below tell a part of their story.