Clean Water Ministry - Water Is Life!

This year brings a unique challenge for Bill and I as we move closer to Haiti. Yes, Florida is in our sight glass and we hope to be living there by July. This will allow us to get to Haiti within a couple hours verse travel time of a whole day traveling back and forth. We are planning to spend the later part of the year in Haiti with two trips to the mountains of Haiti planned for October. The main focus will be to distribute water filtration systems to families in the villages around Pestel.  We plan to tackle some clean water projects in this same area as well.  Projects like drilling a well next to a known water source and pumping that water to a centralized location for a village.  Creating a collection basin from a fresh water spring and pumping that water to a centralized location for another village.  Capturing water from a river during rainy season and storing it in cisterns for dry season.  Lastly, building and installing a water catchment system for an existing cistern.  We continue to pray about all of these opportunities for direction and funding.  Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in asking questions about this ministry and its opportunities for 2014.  We ask you to join us in prayer!