We are so excited about serving.
In our last sermon series Integrate, we were challenged to eat, pray, bless, and serve. This was not just a sermon series that we could hear one Sunday and forget about it. This was a sermon series intended to help equip us to love and connect with others.
Are you ready to give it a try?
We want to continue to use these simple, ordinary, practical ways to share our faith with our neighbors, co-workers, family, etc. So, we are taking the next month to get into a new rhythm of serving our community and neighbor.
Sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. Here's a card that can help:
We didn't forget the food.
In addition, October 4th, we are going to have a celebration potluck breakfast with worship.
Go grab your family, your friends, your small group, your ministry group and have fun with this. Maybe there is a neighbor that you know needs help. Maybe one of your small group members already serves at somewhere like Hesed House, Feed My Starving Children, a women’s shelter, etc. Join together and serve as a group.
•On the back of the card, there are a few limited spaces for a couple groups that planned something. You can serve with that group.
•We ask that you sign up online or turn in the card in the offering plate this week or when you know who you are serving.