By Brooke on Aug 20, 2014 10:27 am
What an amazing summer we have had at Strong Missions! Thanks be to God and to our numerous volunteers, we have been able to make huge strides on the projects here in Carrillos as well as working in our new community of San Isidro where we will be moving in a few months. This year Strong Missions had 638 volunteers from 38 groups. We had a record breaking week of 96 folks working while 26 others were out traveling. Glory to God!
There are still some finishing touches to do, but the 3 W's (Wilbur, Wilmer, and Warner) work year round and are working hard to complete the work that is left!
Iglesia Evangelica Metodista Carrillos
The feeding program has begun its year round ministry! Starting with 25 kids, meals are being served 5 days a week. We look forward to watching this ministry bloom and grow! The garden is growing and has been providing fresh vegetables for the Loaves and Fishes Feeding Programs in La Carpio, Los Guido, and now Carrillos. Improvements have been made both inside and out at the facility. Concrete has been poured between the sanctuary and the multipurpose building. Bathrooms are nearing completion below the parsonage. The parsonage upstairs has been painted and the windows and doors are framed and ready to be installed. It will be move-in ready soon!
Iglesia Pentecostal Carrillos
The front of the Pentecostal Church has seen dramatic changes as it has been leveled and paved. The kids now have a place to play and draw and on Sundays, there is room for quite a few cars off the street! Inside, the upstairs has been transformed! The floor has been laid, ceiling installed, drywall hung, rooms created, and windows framed.
Community Plaza Carrillos
We received a request from the community to help with the wall surrounding the community futbol field. Knowing we had lots of willing and able teams this summer, we agreed and got the ditch dug and wall raised!
Oscar's House
In 2011, groups helped to build Oscar and Nurii a new house after their home was destroyed by the earthquake. Since then, Oscar and Nurii have welcomed numerous groups to their home to see the gift from God that has blessed them. However, it has been on our list to go back and complete the project by installing a ceiling. Thanks to the sheer number of volunteers this year and with Oscar leading the team, we were able to make this happen!
Escuela San Luis of Carrillos
Thanks to the University of Texas and the Projects for Underdeveloped Communities Class for designing, engineering, planning, fundraising, and building of the first set of bleachers at the local school here in Carrillos. The group from TX got it started, and thanks to their hard work, other teams were able to come in and help complete the project. We also found some maintenance projects for the school like repainting their court, replacing the fence behind the new bleachers, and refurbishing old desks that were greatly in need of repair.
Escuela Carlos Maria Rodriguez of San Isidro
We began partnering with a school in our new neighborhood of San Isidro where Strong Missions will be located beginning in November. The school had some issues with previous administration, but thanks to new leadership, it is growing and excelling! Strong Missions provided support for building a new kindergarten classroom as well as maintenance and improvements to the existing facility. We look forward to a long relationship with this school as we support our new community.