India Trip Reflection

As 6 unlikely missionaries said YES to God, mighty things happened before, during, and after our trip to India and many relationships were formed and enriched.  Going to India was a time of learning, growing, overcoming obstacles, seeing God’s provisions and personal transformation.

We began our trip with learning while being trained at a Regional Conference for the International Leadership Institute (ILI) which teaches, equips, and mobilizes leaders. This was a great opportunity to not only be equipped to do the ministry in India, but to grow together as the America and India team began their collaboration and unity as one large team. 

We learned about patience as we sat on the plane ready to go, but were delayed three hours and needed de-iced prior to take off.

We arrived at Chennai at 3 am in the morning ready for a wonderful day of ministry.  To our surprise, we were leaving the airport with only 5 of our 12 bags of luggage.

For a few moments, there was a sense of disappointment that we were missing 7 bags, but realized quickly God’s provisions and the filling of His sense of peace.  Four of the team members did not have any clothes and 3 of the 4 ministry bags were missing.  We quickly learned that 2 of the 5 bags we had were clothes that were being donated to the women of India and these items quickly became a beautiful commodity (well, at least for the women – now the guys still needed to find some clothing).

We were welcomed with such hospitality and love by each group we met.  Whether it was with children, youth, women, pastors, churches, or orphanages, there was an instant love for one another and as we heard each other stories, that love became deeper. 

The ILI Conference we were part of birthed more 10 Regional Conferences which will  empower and mobilize other leaders throughout India.

We were blessed with 400 children and students for a Children’s Ministry after only expecting 40. God truly showed us what it means to multiply loaves and fishes and to trust in God through all things.  The results of surrendering to the power of the Holy Spirit provided calm and a great sense of joy.  The love we had for one another we had through song, dance, teaching, and fun was inspirational.

We were blessed again with loaves and fishes as we ran a Women’s Conference for what we thought would be for 40-60 and 140 women attended.  There was such a huge connection spiritually and emotionally as we worshipped together, learned together, and encouraged one another.

The next week included lots of surrender and relationship building through preaching at local churches, teaching at a Pastor’s Conference, working with the most beautiful children at two orphanages, building relationships through distributing soy milk, and empowering women as they learned a new trade of sewing.

The ministry that we partner with in India is truly stemmed from a love for Christ.  There is a sense of empowering and equipping that begins in relationship with one another.  We had one of our team members say they truly found God in India. 

There were many obstacles that took place, but through each one, God provided peace, calm, love, and provisions.  Each person surrendered their expectations, preconceived notions, and fully trusted God each step of the way.  Most importantly, some lifelong friendships and relationships were formed as we all learned from one another.