A Season of Trust

March 10 - April 7

Series Big Idea - Consider Abraham's journey as our own to the mountain of sacrifice.  

God established a clear route to a faithful relationship with Him two thousand years before Christ. When we recollect the most important moments of our own lives--the transformational moments were most likely moments of sacrifice. There are astonishing parallelisms with Abraham and Isaac and The Father and The Son. More importantly, sacrifice became the benchmark of a faithful believer. Isaac and Jesus were....Begotten (yachiyd;monogenes); Named by God through their mothers: Sarah (Genesis 17:19) and Mary (Luke 1:21), loved by their fathers--important to identify the first OT appearance of love is love of a father to his son (22:2) and Jesus' baptism account in all gospels; both sons are offered up (22:2) Hebrew word here is alah--to go up, ascend, climb, be taken or lifted up--offered means to be lifted or given up. John's gospel develops the love in the second generation Christian community as love for the world. (John 3:16) Burnt Offerings: discover Leviticus 1:1-4 from the very first chapter the standard for offering a sacrifice and the prototype for Jesus who is the lamb is set into motion. The Burnt Offering is an offered sacrifice and atonement. Geographically this mountain is significant: Moriah-Jerusalem. Both Isaac and Jesus were accompanied by two men--for Isaac they were servants but for Jesus they were criminals. (Genesis 22:3 and Matthew 27:38)

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