Oddly enough, I found myself praying the Prayer of Jabez:

"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. " 1 Chronicles 4:10  

I remember when this prayer broke into the Christian world in 2000 like a Spring storm renewing the parched souls of the faithful. Bruce Wilkinson wrote a little book with a huge literary impact and every church I knew was doing 'round the clock' prayer vigils and pastors were preaching powerful sermon series dedicated to this prayer. I remembered how dedicated I was then to prayer and fasting while I was reading the book. I woke up every morning back then to pray and seek the Lord. It was one of the most powerful times of practicing God's presence in my life. And just like all other Spring storms, it dissipated and moved on. I honestly had not thought about it...until now.  He must have known that I needed this fresh infusion again, especially now as we face unprecedented times as we face our uncertain future together. I have been fasting and praying during this Lenten season. I have been waking up very early in the morning to pray. All the signs are there.

"Enlarge our territory..."

It was a faint whisper, "Pray it and mean it; and I will give it to you." 

It sounded absolutely ludicrous and I backed away from it. I poo pooed it as if I was asking for something I wasn't supposed to ask for during the most difficult of days of our country. Who am I to ask God for such a miracle? Wheatland has been going through difficult days. But, so has everyone else! Could we pray something as bold as this prayer and mean it? That God would enlarge our territory and make His impact on the world through us? 

Oh, LORD! That you WOULD bless us and enlarge our territory! That men, women, students and children would discover who you really are and dedicate their whole lives to serving you with their whole hearts! AND LORD, that you would bless us to be a blessing--meeting the needs of so many in this time of turmoil.  That God's will would be poured out to this generation and for the next generations combined. This is now my prayer.

Wheatland Online

Tuesday was a monumental day for us. The Leadership Team and church staff has wrestled with what God is calling Wheatland to become for the past months. Church as we have known it was not going to be the church of the future. Long standing traditions and very powerful opinions had us trapped--literally in gridlock. But, God spoke clearly to us in the middle of the Coronavirus chaos--"Get your digital approach together and reach people for Christ. Just do it." So, we did! We enlarged our territory!!!

We host a LIVE Wheatland Facebook Prayer Time every morning at 7:30 AM CST that reaches hundreds of people world wide. Please join us! As I write to you now at 3:45 PM, the prayer I posted this morning has been viewed 405 times and reached 875 people. Pastor Corey has been diligently working at our Oswego Campus to deliver the most intimate and impactful video experience he can bring. Michele Jenks and a great worship team will be able to connect with you in new and creative ways.

As staff, we learned how to post YouTube videos today during our Staff Meeting and we posted a great 'first try' so that you can stay connected. Kim Neace will be posting videos for Adult discipleship, online learning and Congregational Care messages--she's currently Queen of the Zoom! John Dudich along with Vicay Lauderdale and Scott Blanchard will produce our first attempts at worship videos tomorrow. We've turned our sanctuary into a legitimate recording studio. Our Congregational Care teams are reaching out to the entire congregation to meet the spiritual and physical needs of our congregation and Christian care is being shared boldly outside our community. Our Students and Children are already light years ahead of us--so what we think of as significant advancements are really normal to them! We are so excited.

We are learning. We are breaking new ground...dare we say...enlarging our territory? We need your financial support and believe God has still greater things in store for us. Give a little bit. Give a lot. Give because God has inspired you to do so! Give because you know it is the God-honoring thing to do and watch Him enlarge your territory too! 

Stay tuned. We have so much to be grateful for!!

Much love--

Pastor Jen

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9