A Passion for Missions: Pam Moga, Missions Chairperson

Romans 10:14-15 are two verses I feel God has been whispering to me throughout my life. 

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”


I can’t speak of my passion for missions without speaking of my dad. Growing up I witnessed him serve others on a daily basis. He has played a major role in my faith journey including my dedication to missions.

When I was in second grade, my parents were youth group leaders. I often tagged along to youth group events. At the end of one of these events, there was an altar call and the youth were going forward to pray. I kept asking mom and dad if I was supposed to go forward too. They said that this time was for the youth.

Later that evening we were eating dinner, but I couldn’t eat. My dad asked me what was wrong. I said I wasn’t hungry and that I didn’t feel well, so he excused me to go to my room. He then came up to my room and again asked me what was wrong. I said that I didn’t know, I just felt empty, like I was missing something. My Dad told me that he thought he knew what I was missing. He shared with me how much God loved me. He told me that I can have a  friendship with Jesus. He shared the scripture of Romans 10:9 in words a second grader could understand:  If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  (Romans 10:9) My dad and I prayed that night. As I think of those moments shared with my dad I can’t help but  think, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News.” (Romans 9:11)

The first mission trips I served on were with my Dad. We went to Henderson Settlement in Kentucky with youth groups. We did work around Henderson Settlement, worked with local families to help them make repairs on their homes, helped run summer children’s programs, and helped with the book mobile. On one of these trips, we met a teenager named Judy who had a summer job at Henderson helping the work crews who came to serve. She was working on a project with my dad, and  one day she told me how lucky I was to have my dad for a father. She said he had told her about Christ’s love for her and no one else had. She said that he listened to her, answered her questions and prayed with her.

This was the first time I truly realized that not everyone has a dad who will share Christ with them. 

I didn’t know the verse then….but God was whispering verse 14 to me...How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 

I first went on mission trips because I cared about others and wanted to help them. After that trip, I realized that I wanted everyone to have their physical needs met, but I also wanted them to know Jesus.

 “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” 

When I graduated from college, Wheatland Salem Church became my home. I first served in youth ministry and went on youth mission trips. Then I clearly remember serving on the missions team as a fairly new member and meeting Donna Trinko. At each meeting she would talk about trying to connect with Lowell and Claudia Wertz and wanting to go serve with them in Tanzania along with her husband Neil. Each time I would see Donna, I would ask her how her plans were going and what she had heard from Lowell and Claudia. Finally, it was a winter day and I was really sick. I was on the couch and didn’t think I could feel much worse. I’m not even sure why I answered the phone. Donna had called me and said she was going to Tanzania but Neil wasn’t going to go. She asked if I was going. I said, “Yes, but I’m really sick so I’ll have to talk to you later.” And I hung up the phone.

Donna and I had never talked about the possibility of me going to Tanzania. I don’t think I had even thought of going to Tanzania. If I had actually thought beyond the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I probably would have said NO! I was going through a difficult time emotionally, my finances were a mess, I had a dog and a cat that would need to be cared for, and I would be away from family and friends for 5 weeks. The truth is, God took care of all of those things through people responding to mission in their own ways. Some prayed, some gave financially, some cared for my pets and home, some gave items needed in Tanzania, and some gave encouragement. 

I’ll never forget Florence Gregory

She started mailing cards with Bible Verses and words of encouragement so that one would be waiting when we arrived in Tanzania and we would receive them the whole time we were there. God provided all of this through others. And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10:15) My job was simply to respond “yes” to the Holy Spirit. 

What I learned about giving.

The time serving on this mission trip was a time of great personal transformation for me from the moment I said “Yes, I’ll go.” First of all, I discovered the amazing peace that comes with knowing you are following God’s plan. Then, one of the many ways I grew on this trip was learning about giving. We were in a refugee camp worshiping with hundreds of people. After worship Lowell pointed to the blue roof of the church and told us that the refugee church members had donated the plastic they were given for their shelters so the church could have a roof. At that moment I was so humbled and knew I needed to change how I thought about my financial offerings to God. I hadn’t been giving to the church because of my difficult financial situation, but I made a commitment to give when I returned home. 

On the same trip I was teaching English to Mwenge. He is one of the Joy in the Harvest leaders. He brought up the idea of living in America and how “everyone” wanted to move to the United States because life is so good here in the land of opportunity. I told Mwenge that not everyone in the United States has an easy life. I told him that we have homeless people in the United States. I still hear Mwenge’s response to me today. He said, “Shame on you. There is plenty for all.” 

When I returned home, I came home with a desire to help the homeless and started volunteering at Hesed House. God spoke to me through Mwenge, and I was blessed by the people I met at Hesed House during the time I volunteered there.  I think each one of us are blessed when we listen to God and respond to how he would have us serve Him.

Wheatland Salem Church supports both global and local partners in missions. In Romans 10:15 it says: And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? Through Faith Promise, Wheatland Salem Church has developed amazing partnerships with both local and global missions organizations and missionaries. Our missionaries have listened to the Holy Spirit’s call and followed God’s path to serve. This doesn’t come without sacrifice as they may leave family and friends, give up jobs and homes and face many other challenges. They put their faith in God to provide for their needs. 

Through Faith Promise Giving, Wheatland Salem is able to support our missionaries and mission organizations with some of their financial needs, but our partnerships are so much more than that.  Our missionaries pray for us as we pray for them. They encourage us and we encourage them. We have gone to our missionaries to serve and worship with them, and they have come to us to serve and worship with us. At Wheatland Salem, each one of us has the opportunity to be part of these partnerships, whether it is through giving financially, praying, sending words of encouragement, serving at a local mission or on  a mission trip, sharing Jesus with someone in your life or in any other ways God calls you to serve. All of these things help take the Good News to those who have not heard. I encourage you to learn more about our missionaries on the missions portion of Wheatland’s web page, and I encourage you to pray for these missionaries, and pray about any other steps God is calling you to take to share the good news.

Who will you share Christ’s love with?

God Bless You!

Pam Moga