What’s going on here, God?

In Mark 3, we discovered that God knows the order in which things need to happen in our lives. God’s order is established and revealed everywhere in Creation. All we need to do is look around! But, God’s order and our order often do not coincide. Things get out of order. Trusting God means that we stop rebelling against His ways. We trust God when we accept His ways. We trust God not only to do what He can do—but trust Him to accomplish things in His own timing. When things get out of order, they stop working. Consider this:

1. So that's why spending your money before you tithe is a bad idea, because it's out of order. Too early? Too soon. God won’t bless me with more until I know how to spend His way.

2. So, that's why sex before marriage is a dangerous proposition. Too much, too soon. Now he doesn't value you. Instead, he objectifies you.

3. So, that’s why I don’t focus on my emotions or feelings. Too much me, too little God. The true challenge of faith is surviving the waiting period.

There’s an order to things. There’s an order to things. There's an order to things. "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise". (Psalm 100:4) Our prayer life is out of order when we start with us or the situation, instead of, starting with praise and honor for Him. Consider this:

1. Start with: “Thank you God for what You've already done! Right now, in spite of how I feel or what I'm going through, I want to give You about 30 seconds of praise". (Praise Him!)

2. Let God know—you know who you are: “I am NOT you, God. I don’t know everything that is going on and I cannot be everywhere, all the time.” Give yourself permission to surrender to Him. (Breathe.)

3. Then make a statement: I've got some things I think I need. I’ve got some unresolved issues that I want to bring before You. I need Your guidance and direction. (Listen—stop talking so much!)

In Mark 4, we discover that what’s going on below the surface has deeper meaning. Jesus used an illustration to reveal what the Kingdom of God is like. Jesus does not describe the Kingdom of God like anything they ever heard before. Jesus used a description that most likely offended people. We have a parable. Jesus taught in parables. Mark’s gospel shares several of them. Remember, Mark is giving us a curated account of the ministry of Jesus. And he's building for us what he believes to be an accurate picture of the purpose of the ministry of Jesus. And now, Jesus is teaching about the nature of the kingdom of God and our faith.

Maybe you've heard the parable of the different types of soil in Mark 4. God’s work in our life will feel or seem insignificant and then it will go into the soil where it will be invisible. And then, a lot of times, when God is working in our lives in the greatest ways, we won't even know how He's working. We will be ignorant—God’s work is often something we cannot see. The Kingdom of God is like a seed. Consider this:

1. Spiritual growth often seems insignificant—you won’t feel like you’re growing.

2. It often appears invisible—spiritual growth happens below the surface.

3. Often we feel ignorant—you won’t know how until later.

Now, you’re most likely going to be offended. Because a lot of sermons in my lifetime have been about spiritual growth. We talk about spiritual growth all the time! But there is an ELEPHANT in the prayer room. We often talk about what, but we never really talk about how. I don't know how. I don't know how reading my Bible helps me grow—but I do it daily. I don't know how to pray for more than 10 seconds without thinking about something else—but I do it minute by minute, hour after hour, day by day and year after year. I don't know how to make a God-honoring decision—but I trust that no matter what decision I make—He is with me and will forgive me no matter what situation I put myself in. I don’t know how….AND that's the most spiritual thing you've said all week! Consider this:

1. Who did Jesus select as His disciples? Religious elite with academic knowhow?

2. Who did God select to be a mother for His Son? What was the first thing Mary asked when Gabriel said, "The One born of you is the Holy One of God"? What?…. How!?

3. How did the disciples respond when Jesus said, "Feed these big crowds even though you didn't pack a lunch"? What's the first thing they said? …..How!?

That is the starting place of spiritual growth. I don’t know how—but I trust Him. God commands me or calls me to do something and I trust Him. I act. I follow through. I obey. I don’t always know how things will happen—honestly—I never know how things get done. I don’t know when money will come in to pay the bills but I trust Him to get it done. I don’t know….I don’t know how some prayers get answered and others do not. I don’t know how life will play out. I don’t know how things will go tomorrow. I don’t know how God does what He does. He is the omniscient one…not me. There. I said it. And you need to say that too.

Consider this: all I need to do is trust and obey. And let the dirt do it’s work.

He also said, “This is what the Kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.” (Mark 4:27 NIV)

Pastor Jen