Here’s my opinion. You’re free to disagree.

It’s a recipe for disaster when any organization turns in to focus on itself. The inward focus is detrimental at every level whether a marriage, family, church, community, nation or world. We’ve all watched the great ones decline whether it was General Motors or the Roman Empire. The degradation of thought and selfishness is often followed by dehumanizing treatment of others in order to create an enemy—a boogey man or woman. Isolation takes precedence over asking for help. Leaders refuse to accept the truth and only listen to what they want to hear. Resources and energy are spent maintaining the system even though it is antiquated and without innovation. It lacks creativity and divine inspiration. A pool of water becomes stagnant without proper intake and outward flow.

Outward focus allows for growth. Outward focus invites the contribution of others and is open to discover vital new outcomes without placing guilt or shame on the participants. A truly confident individual or system does not rely on its own success, instincts or passion as each of these betray in the end. Think of a closed loop computer program, Judas Iscariot or any entrepreneur who’s experienced the 'fly and die’ syndrome of venture capitalism. Outward focus requires humility and often bone-breaking silence when everyone else is shouting at the top of their lungs unwilling to listen. Wisdom is not for the weak. Wisdom arrives like a welcomed friend when we are accessible, quiet body and soul.

Wheatland stands in a unique position to do great things for the Kingdom of God. We can wisely weigh out decisions with careful thought and wise, experienced counsel from others. We listen before we make judgments. Relationships matter. The truth is spoken with honesty and we love one another deeply. It’s all right to have opposing, even conflicting view points and not be swayed into thinking we need to be like any other church. Failure is always an option and the opportunity to learn. We need one another. We won’t say your ‘no’ for you, so we ask. We will keep on asking. We ask you to consider a lot:

1. Consider your faith. Is your faith white hot? Are you totally committed to Jesus Christ or is there competition for your heart?

2. Consider how you live as a follower of Christ. How has your commitment to Jesus Christ influenced your daily living?

3. Consider how you use God’s resources. God gives gifts to build up the Kingdom, how have you employed yours?

4. Consider how you share with others about your faith. Who has come to know Jesus through you and your efforts?

5. Consider how the culture and secular society has changed. How has Jesus equipped you to deal with the changes?

6. Consider how you are part of the local and global impact for Jesus Christ. How connected are you with our Faith Promise partners and our church?

7. Consider your spiritual heart condition. Have you discovered that God isn’t satisfied with a measly portion of your heart—He wants your whole heart and is patient enough to wait for it.

We welcome Lowell and Claudia Wertz to our Wheatland pulpits this Sunday. You won’t want to miss hearing from them. Lowell and Claudia are our mission partners in Kigoma, Tanzania which is in the heart of Africa. Wheatland has answered God’s call by equipping our mission partners financially through Faith Promise.

Faith Promise is a promise we make to God by faith to return his resources for his mission purpose. We don’t want to be self-absorbed or use God’s resources for our own reward or gain. Whatever God entrusts, he expects us to give. We commit. We write a number on a commitment card and wait for God to bless us. The faith commitment ignites us into action when God’s resource arrive. We give it to God’s holy mission endeavor.

Yes! There is a lot going on. There are multiple financial opportunities. Give a lot. Give a little. All our resources belong to God. We are not our own. We belong to Christ—he paid the price of purchase. We are stewards of God’s resources whether those resources include our ideas, friends, spouse, family, colleagues, neighbors, gifts, talents or finances. It is good to be reminded of the truth. We can get internally focused, stop the flow and become stagnant. Inward focus is dangerous. Inward focus determines the right and wrong of faith and of the world. I pray your heart is captured once again by the Holy Spirit. I pray your heart ignites with his love as he anoints you with his power. I’ve never been sorry to embrace what God has for me…ever. Challenging yes. Over whelming, some days. Supernatural, always.

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 NLT

Pastor Jen