Day three in Haiti

Today is Sunday so we went to church. Wearing a cotton dress in this heat is very warm and I can't remember a time I have ever sweat this much. Walking up the mountain in the hot sun is crazy. All of the sweat is beyond worth it once you get to the top of the mountain. Many things occur on top of the mountain such as church and the feedings for the kids. At church Randy  played and sang which was amazing. It brought us together; God felt very present as we listened to Pastor Bob and the mountain breeze cooled us down. After church we stayed on the mountain and let the winds soak into our skin as we walked to the famous tamarind tree from Megan’s book: Miracle on Voodoo Mountain. This tree was not only amazing to see in person, but we also got to taste the tamarinds, which surprisingly turned out to be a delicious sour and sweet treat. Some people decided to head back early to stop at a sculpture store to see some amazing stone and metal artwork. Walking down the mountain is much easier, and entertaining as we watched goats try to push each other down. Once we got back to the house Adam and Will treated us to a lovely meal of Ramen.  After we ate, some people packed for Mathew 25, which is where we are staying for Vogly’s soccer events, and some took naps. We all came together after and agreed we needed something to do; we decided to go for a walk. Adam and some of the respire interns took us through the streets of gressier to get to a little shop. The original idea was to stop for the lady’s “famous” juice, but that's not all we got. We were treated to ice cold juices, lemonade, sodas, and fans to cool down the room. We sat and enjoyed the time together, but not too long after it was time to start the journey back to the house. We gathered all of our packed stuff for Mathew 25 and all the soccer stuff for Vogly and we loaded the bus. Because there was not much traffic at all, the ride down the streets was a blessing… or so we thought. As we turn to take the last couple side streets to get to Mathew 25 we entered on a situation where there was a huge hole taking up over than half the road on one side and just enough foot room for passengers on the other. “Dear God please keep this bus from tipping over” was probably going through everyone's heads. As the driver sat pondering whether or not he was going to try to make it over, we all sat waiting and watching another car barely make it through. Yes, the driver decided he was going to get us on the other side of this road block and he wasn't going around he was going over. The truck teetered and tottered but with Gods grace we made it over. We got to Mathew 25 safely, with only one bumped head against the window, and started to unpack the car. We settled in and were served a delicious meal for dinner and hoping for some fresh Mangos or cookies later this eveningSome people went and played in a pick up soccer game right next to the house, and others enjoyed the wifi and the breeze on the roof. What an amazing day. Thank you God.