Day 1 - Friday-2015
So we’re off…at 2am to gather at O’hare for 3:30am ticket counter opening. The pre-checking worked so we only needed to create luggage tracking for 23 bags. The only problem was Haiti has an bag embargo and we can only bring 22. After a little unpacking and re-packing our carry-ons, we were able to take all the necessities. It’s now 4:20. Board the plane for a team nap. We make it to the Miami airport on time for our 5 hour layover. The minions break out for a little photo shoot while we wander the airport. American Airlines eventually informs us they have oversold the flight. They tentatively offer each of our team members $1000, a hotel stay and a flight to Port Au Prince in the morning if we will give up our seats. We agree to it but American reverses it offer at the last minute. It's off to Haiti we go or so we think. The plane has an issue, a thunderstorm and an hour on Tarmac before our 1 ½ hour flight. We land and the insanity begins with 22 bags, a crazy baggage claim area and an absent driver. It all gets worked out and a miracle happens: no traffic in Port Au Prince. This has never happened. We end up at Respire at 8pm for spaghetti, a team meeting and a devotion before we go to bed at 11pm.