Real transformation requires honesty. If you want to move forward, you must begin with being honest and take responsibility yourself.

“I’m just not feeling it.”

“Church is boring.”

“Church just wants my money.”

“You don’t have to go to church to be a good Christian."

“I don’t get anything out of it.”

“What’s the point of this….?(sermon, class, small group, leadership training, bible reading, prayer, communion?)

“My husband/wife hasn’t changed in 25 years, why should we change now?”

“I gave up on God a long time ago.”

“I am spiritual not religious.”

“I believe I need to do what makes me happy. It's the most important thing!”

“Sunday is the only day of the week that I get to do what I want to do. I’m not that interested in church.”

“I need some time with my family.”

The front page of includes the following: A Snapshot of the Values, Views & Faith of Hispanic Americans, Only 10% of Christian twenty-somethings have a Resilient Faith, Explore Faith of the Future, Church Drop-outs have Risen 67%, What Will it Take to Disciple the Next Generation?

“I think that’s why a lot of Millennials are leaving the Church, because they’re looking at the lifestyles—not the teachings—but the lifestyles of the leaders and they don’t resemble Jesus. … This is a word to the leaders. Look at what scripture says [in Hebrews 13:7]. It says people should listen to you as you teach the word of God, but they are to consider the outcome of your way of life and then imitate the faith they see in your life.”
—Francis Chan on A Leader Worth Following

“Where are the millennials going? Well, they’re going to churches in which they can experience something beyond the information, where they can access something beyond this world… They want something that goes beyond their experience and they want the sacredwhich community nowadays is sacredand also an experience with the living God.”
—Sam Collier on Finding the Sacred

Where is everyone?

Church influence has changed. Gone are the days of thousands of people flocking to Christian worship services. Many Christian families are commonly seen on the sidelines of sports events, traveling on Sundays or practicing their idea of a ‘stay-cation’ at home. Priorities have changed. Each generation critiques the previous generation and it seems like they go to extremes. I was told this shift would happen in 1996. There were a lot of people writing about the future of the church back then. Lyle Schiller was one of them. Here is one prophecy from Mike Regele:

"Death of the Church is intended to provoke, although we have been careful to be accurate and responsible in our statement of the issues. We will have failed if you only yawn. You may not like what we say, but you must at least acknowledge the issues, for they are very real. The institutional church in America will look very different twenty-five years from now. Indeed, several denominations may no longer exist. We are sure that there will be hundreds of local congregations that won't. The forces reshaping our culture are too many and too strong. We see signs of social fragmentation and collapse everywhere. But we also believe deeply in the hope of the Gospel and the security of the church. Both will survive. But how the church universal is expressed in and through the churches in America will look very different. This is the issue we write about." -- From the Introduction of Death of the Church.

What are we doing about this?

I really believe Jesus Christ still has the power to transform lives. His Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) still hold true. Many of us still believe. But, many do not know him. Even more of us believe in Jesus but live and act as if He doesn't exist. We most likely will use Google Search or call a friend when we are in need of advice or direction. Rarely does anyone go to the bible when searching for answers to life’s big questions. Few ask Jesus what He thinks. Craig Groeschel coined the phrase, a Christian Athiest. You may want to learn more, so watch his opening message from the Christian Atheist Series

I want to be part of the solution. The Let Your Love be Genuine series begins Sunday. A transformed life makes the greatest impact when it comes to Jesus Christ. The Christian way of life doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, intentionality, practice and resilience to become a people who live according to the Way of Jesus Christ. It takes a resilient faith and a transformed life. A resilient faith is forged over time through life’s tragic and mundane experiences. A transformed life is one that lives as a “genuine human being reflecting the God in whose image we are made.” Yet, transformation is a messy and imprecise business. It is a business where character, disciplines, wisdom, and faith play a far greater role than theories and techniques. “True formation comes from grace and by grace, channeled through our humbled efforts.” It is a God directed, Holy Spirit empowered, and Christ following process. We want to be genuine in our love. We want to live a transformed life.

A One Month Challenge—

I issue you this challenge, to do something practical this month. Follow us on Facebook and read the daily meditations. Read your bible every day for one month. Tithe 10% of your income for one month or give a one-time financial gift sacrificially. Volunteer as a ministry support person and learn what is happening in Adult, Youth and Children’s ministries. Turn off the screens and talk with your family about their highs and lows at least once a week. Pray with and for your wife/husband, children, extended family every day or weekly for one month. Pray for those who are close to you but far from God to discover Jesus and his salvation. Intentionally connect with other church people by calling someone you haven’t seen in a while —just to talk. I don’t want to be all talk and no walk. I hate the word hypocrite. I want my relationship with Jesus to effect everything I do. He’s not some silent observer. He’s alive! He’s ready to work with us on his kingdom goals. I am certain it is His will that your love for him and the lost and broken world be genuine. It’s time. Let’s get this show on the road.

See you soon,

Pastor Jen