Faith Promise 2016


What is a Faith Promise?

Faith Promises are commitments to give a certain amount if the Lord provides it.  Through a Faith Promise, each family makes a commitment to give if the funds become available.  It is understood that if God doesn't provide the funds there is no obligation to give.  Committing to a Faith Promise is scriptural and acceptable to the Lord.

Does it work?

For the period of July 2003 through October 2014, God has provided over 2.2 million dollars to support our mission partnerships.  That is money above and beyond our other investments in operations, local church ministries, and denominational apportionments.  Yes, that's amazing!

How is the Faith Promise used?

The Faith Promises received go to support the work of missionaries and organizations both local and global.  All of the missionaries we support have as their focus the work of furthering the Great Commission.

We currently support the following ministries and missionaries: Joy in the Harvest  (The Wertzs and D&K), The Mission Society (The Hanaks), Hope For Today (Peter & Esther Pereira), Frontiers (The Roberts), Christian Chinese Church Support (The Williams), Foundation Arrow (Piotr Gasiorowski), Wycliffe Bible Translation (Robin Gregory), Young LifeWayside CrossLife SpringInternational Leadership Institute - South AsiaStrong MissionsAlphaAlpha Marriage MinistryCentenary Camp (The Bruns),  Annville UMC (The Brocks), Impact For Jesus (The Plazas), El Refuge (The Uittos) and Respire-Haiti (The Andersons).